Estate Planning & Probate

estate planning attorney

Tough Law Firm estate planning and probate attorneys have represented numerous clients in the preparation of their estate preservation and directives for disposition of property, as well as complex litigation matters over large estates including trials through jury verdicts. Our team of experienced probate and estate planning attorneys in The Woodlands and Spring area aid clients across Texas in the preservation of their wealth with advice and legal representation on matters including:

  • Estate Planning and Probate
  • Will Preparation
  • Trust Creation
  • Advanced Directives (Business Power of Attorney, Medical Power of Attorney)
  • Guardianships
  • Will Contests and Disputes
  • Probate and Estate Litigation

To learn useful information about estate planning and the probate process, check out these related articles provided by Tough Law Firm:

Estate Planning Checklist: Power of Attorney, Trusts & Will

Basics of Probate Law and Benefits of Utilizing a Probate Attorney

What Happens if My Estate and Will are Not Probated?

How to Probate a Will or Resolve an Estate Under Texas Law

Texas Will Executor Requirements and Duties

What’s the Difference Between a Will and a Living Will?

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