Read the Tough Law Firm blog to learn more about legal issues and solutions, our business, our cases, and how we can help when you’re in need of an attorney.
Attorney Spotlight – Trevor Brown
Trevor Brown describes his favorite areas of expertise as personal injury and business litigation – disputes and breach of contract. To find out more about Trevor and The Tough Law Firm, please visit www.toughlawfirm.net.
Business Contracts and Reasons to Use a Contract Attorney
Every business will need a contract lawyer for legal advice regarding business contracts, selling and buying of businesses, lease agreements and more.
I’ve Been in an Auto Accident: What Now?
You were just hit by a car. What now? Here are the steps to take to ensure you’ll be protected in the event of an injury.
I’ve Been Served Divorce Papers, Now What?
You have been served divorce papers and are wondering what to do next. Don’t worry, there’s no need to fear.
Protecting Your Business Against Sexual Harassment Claims
These days, sexual harassment claims in the workplace are rampant.
Holiday Parties and Your Legal Risk
When hosting your corporate holiday parties, it is important that your guests remain safe and that you mitigate any legal risks associated with the party
Commercial Lease Agreements in Texas
Here are some things to consider when closing on a commercial lease agreement in Texas.
Types of Business Law
“Business law” is a generic term which includes the range of different laws relating to the creation, ownership, sale, management and operation of businesses.
4 Reasons Why You Should Choose an Experienced Litigator
Choosing an an experienced litigator can help you navigate through the court processes and procedures and aid you in achieving more favorable results.
Sued? The Steps You Should Take
When receiving notice a lawsuit has been filed against you, a series of emotional reactions will naturally follow — from surprise and fear to anger and denial
Summer 2017 Interns
Tough Law firm has had the pleasure of hosting five interns this past summer.
Cease and Desist Letters in Texas: How to Handle Them
Someone wanting to guard their intellectual property, or someone who views another party as infringing on their rights, may send a Cease & Desist letter.